Yellow Sky - 6/6

Author: Daniela
Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Amanda/Sarek
Rating: PG13
Category: Angst, Romance
Series/Sequel: My heart is my song, my mind is my melody.
Summary: A not so common miracle happens.
Warning: Adult Fanfiction
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I'm writing for free.
Feedback: Yes, please. Every little bit makes me happy.
Released: April 2019
Beta: Selek
Word Count: 6057

Shortly after their fabulous honeymoon, Amanda and Sarek underwent a second wedding ceremony in an ancient shrine that belonged to Sarek's family. Only now were Amanda and Sarek considered traditionally bonded.

"This is the Vulcan heart. This is the Vulcan soul. This is our way." The philosophic lines the priestess spoke during the obligatory event hit a nerve in Amanda and fortified her to put up with the casual emotionless stares and gossip going on behind her back.

She wasn't one of them and they didn't understand why Sarek had chosen her instead of a Vulcan female. That would have been the logical choice according to them. Although Vulcans were rather civilized in the subtle way they were showing their dislike before she bonded with Sarek, Amanda had the feeling they were treating her more rudely now that they realized that she was on Vulcan to stay and not just a temporary guest.

Though tradition dictated that Sarek, as a newlywed, had to stay home for a year, an exception was made, so he could fulfill his duties as an ambassador.

Amanda was allowed to go on frequent space travels with him to give her a break from the hard conditions on Vulcan. Even though she had already lived a few months here she was still not used to the brightness and the heat of her new home. Not being born with an inner eyelid to protect her vision, she stayed mostly inside the house during the heat of the day. She got used coming out in the early morning or after nightfall to run her errands or take a walk.

She struggled with some of the unfamiliar customs and rules as well, like the strange tradition that the guests must prepare the meal for their hosts and not the other way around. At times she felt useless and unappreciated in her own household. Tu'Pari was a great help though, showing her many of the Vulcan ways.

She spent her idle hours by taking care of the garden. She collected unique stones to improve its beauty and learned the names of every cacti or thistle. She memorized the complicated names by writing them down in a little notebook that she also used for keeping track of the rich Vulcan vocabulary.

For a while she tried to learn the Vulcan salute to please Sarek but failed. He wasn't bothered, though and let it go immediately. "You don't have to master our kind of greeting. The words live long and prosper will suffice." He was a patient teacher and helped her as much as he was aware of her needs. Unfortunately, he was nearly always occupied by his diplomatic duties.

Since Amanda went with Sarek often, they became inseparable, which was to her liking, but the endless journeys and the long hours waiting for him to finish his diplomatic meetings was not. In general she was happy; however, sometimes she cried in secret because she missed Earth and her friends which were sixteen light years away.

The silent treatment she endured from several Vulcans was somewhat manageable. Sarek was too well respected so most Vulcans didn't dare insult his wife. His logical advice helped her master the few offences she had to endure. Stay polite. Walk on. Breathe. That is what a Vulcan would do. Right. She wanted to learn how to be like and get along with them, but there were setbacks and times when she was fed up with Vulcans. She just couldn't bear their damn judging of her all the time.

In those moments Sarek's patient reasoning was not soothing her but annoying her. She ranted and raved and in the end she rushed off because she couldn't get a reaction from him. Only in the garden she was able to snap out of her fit of rage. In solitude she realized how much energy it cost her to live up to the demanding Vulcan ways.

Sarek didn't continue the fight when she came back to the house but kissed her instead. Logically she couldn't stay mad at him, and loved him even more.

She learned to make proper use of their marital bond, as well as having some control of her emotions, particularly in public. Yet she needed to accept the fact that she would never be like him. He was stronger than she was in every way, and in so much in control of his emotions it was sometimes scary. She also envied the fact that he didn't need to drink a lot of water despite of the heat, and could go without any sleep for as long as two weeks. She felt fragile in his company. Even though she knew how old he was, he didn't show any signs of aging. That Vulcan females were equally strong and fit didn't ease her sense of fragility.

On one of their usual walks, she nodded at a group of Vulcan women. "Why didn't you marry one of those?"

"The human race always fascinated me. You intrigued me in particular the first time I laid eyes on you."

"Oh? You never told me that."

"Should I have?"

"By all means. I always feel better whenever you share your feelings."

He stopped. "I know of your struggles, Amanda. I know you haven't been able to settle yet." He paused and put his fingertips together. "Do you wish to return to Earth?"

"What? No. That's not it. I... just... um... sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating, like I'm drowning in quicksand and not only because of the constant heat, but the many rules and traditions I need to follow. I need your company to remind me why I came here in the first place."

"Is there anything I can do to make it better? More lessons I need to learn?"

"Well, maybe." She leaned into him, touching his neck. "I could teach you about sensitive spots."


"I think we should go back to the house."

"Very well."

Certain things were pleasurable, and in those intimate times, she and Sarek were in sync, which made up for her many troubles.

Amanda got used to the routine which defined their life and even I-Chaya's by keeping him fed on time. The sehlat was kind of cute in a weird way, running to her, growling every time he noticed her presence. One day she even dared to stroke over his thick fur. Of course Sarek was right next to her in case I-Chaya objected.

She became more controlled around her fellow Vulcans and her vocabulary improved faster than anyone had expected. Due to Sarek's influence, she was offered a position as a translator at the Terran consulate in ShiKahr. A tremendous honor, indeed, but one with large classes and great responsibility. She feared that she might disgrace herself by mistranslating a particularly difficult Vulcan phrase by accident, and could only hope that nobody would take offense. In time though she lived up to her reputation and her service was valued by many more Vulcans than she realized.

The bond between her and Sarek grew stronger every day. She experienced the strangest things, like weird daydreams and nightly visions whenever Sarek was not around. Once she could swear he was walking right next to her in the garden, observing how she tended to the desert plants. Another time, she could feel his annoyance about some diplomatic matter. Throughout she was sensing the respect he had for her, and once he even laughed, though she couldn't hear any sound. Yet she could sense his pleasure, a distinct tart flavor, which was giving her goosebumps and a funny feeling in her belly.

After a year and a half, she had settled in respectably, and her life was a content and happy one. Yet out of the blue, she became unusually emotional, was fighting with Sarek over the littlest things. She also had mood swings that made her feel like she was losing her mind.

The low point happened after a particular exhausting negotiation for Sarek at the far end of the galaxy. On the trip back, her behavior became intolerably irritating. She was crying without reason as well as pacing through the ship like a lunatic. She even asked the crew to provide her with alcoholic beverage so she could unwind. One aide was merciful or annoyed enough to deliver a bottle of rum from a secret stock just to shut her up. She gulped a few glasses of the stuff down, unsatisfied that there wasn't any cocoa available as a mix to make it taste better.

Drunk, she entered Sarek's quarters, waving at him. "Hey. I was looking for a Vulcan just like you."

He raised an eyebrow but appeared rather perplexed than angry. "For what occasion?"

"Making out." She pulled her dress down and reached for her bra.

"I see." He exhaled.

"What?" she purred, wriggling her body to get rid of her slip. "Is there a problem?"

"Not at all. I just think--"

"Don't think!" She flung her arms around him. "Let's go to bed. I need some alien in me."

"Indeed?" Sarek didn't move a muscle.

"Yeah. Right now."

"If you say so." He swept her up in his arms.

"Ow. Be gentle please. My stomach is a little iffy."

He sat down on the bed, cradling her. "Intoxication can do this."

"Annoying smartass," she whined. "Oh..." She put a hand over her face. "Why's the ship lurching like that? Who's the damn pilot?"

"You should close your eyes and go to sleep." He placed his fingertips on her temples.

"I don't want to," she said, trying to slip her hands beneath his robe. "I want my Vulcan beau."

"Everything at the proper time." He massaged her temples.

"Why can't you just take advantage of me like an ordinary male?"

A strange expression flitted across his face. "I apologize for any discomfort I cause you by not being ordinary."

"Don't be so damn polite... uh... and don't stop doing what you're doing," she murmured, becoming sleepy due to his magical touch.

"I will not."

"Good." She relaxed further, stretching and yawning. "Don't look at me naked."

"I cannot make that promise."

"I like that." She giggled. "I like you vulnerable."

"Out of the ordinary indeed." He increased the pressure on her temples.

"Oh yes," she sighed, lifting her face, begging him for a kiss. "Keep going, my drop-dead gorgeous Vulcan."

"I will." He kissed her on the lips.

She wasn't sure if she heard a chuckle as she fell into blissful oblivion.

The next morning, the ship arrived at Vulcan and Amanda was even crankier with the worst hangover of her life. She was kind of bashful too, remembering what she had said and done to her proper Vulcan husband.

Sarek didn't criticize her; there was even a distinct sparkle in his eyes. "I think you are suffering from too much space travel. You'd better stay on Vulcan for a few days and get some rest."

"What about you?" She put her hand over her eyes. The usual bright light was killing her. No more rum for her. Not ever again.

"I cannot stay. I need to attend an important meeting on Delta Vega. I will be back in a couple of days."

"Sure. Whatever." There was always a next meeting, wasn't there? Amanda wasn't happy about his sudden departure. Throwing up all morning, she had counted the days she was late. How dense she had been. She had not only a hangover or was dizzy or too emotional over nothing. She was throwing up for the oldest and most usual reason.

She called Peggy via subspace. "I'm pregnant," she croaked without any preamble. Oh god. What will happen now? What kind of child will I deliver into this fierce world?

"Oh dear. Have you told him yet?" Peggy said as insightful as always.

Just what will he say? Does he even want a child? A child with a human? "No. No, but I have to. There are no secrets between us, Peggy. I'm with a man, who knows my thoughts at any time."

"Ben can do that as well," Peggy quipped.

Amanda laughed despite of her worries. "I'm not joking."

"Neither am I." Peggy winked. "Well, then it's easy, isn't it? If he already knows, it's no big deal telling him, is it?"

"That's not the only reason why I worry. What if our genes are not c-compatible? What if the baby is not able to live or is malformed? I've never heard of a Vulcan-Human hybrid." She pressed a hand against her hot forehead. "I've never even thought about the possibility..."

"Oh come on. Don't think like that. The baby will be one handsome, pointy-eared, kind-hearted genius. I guarantee you."

"Do you really think so?" Amanda sniffed.

"Sure. Sarek is a good and clever guy. He'll do whatever is necessary to make everything all right without any harm coming to you or the baby. You don't need to worry."

Not yet. "I know he will. I'm just overwhelmed by the news and I miss you so much," Amanda said, and swallowed her tears. She had cried enough for today. "I wish you were here."

"Well, what about you coming back to good old Earth when your due date is near, giving birth here?"

"Maybe I could. Sarek's always busy. He might agree because it's logical." Don't be so sure. He's also the most traditional guy in matters about Vulcan and his family.

"Okay. Great. Call me as soon as you know more." Peggy made a funny face. "I can't wait to see the green-blooded little rascal."

"Neither can I," Amanda murmured. She sure was as curious and excited as any mother-to-be. The question was if the father-to-be would be equally excited or shocked instead.

She killed most of the time waiting for Sarek by working in the garden or chilling out feeding I-Chaya. Sarek's unique pet had missed her and the sounds he greeted her with made Amanda giggle until tears ran down her face. Oh dear. She'd never thought such a creature could make her feel so giddy.

That Sarek announced his return for the day after tomorrow lifted Amanda's spirits even more. Maybe he missed me and wants to catch up on my lewd offer. Oh yes. She couldn't wait to welcome her respectable husband home. With T'Pari's help, she prepared an appropriate dinner. She was as nervous as she was on their first date.

She was pleased when Sarek appreciated and praised the meal, though she avoided physical contact between her and him for the entire evening. Sarek's eyes narrowed and his lips parted in obvious confusion.

Alone in their bedroom Sarek reached for her. Amanda pulled back. That did it. He frowned. "Have I done something to make you dislike my attentions?"

"No, of course not." She shook her head, flushing. "I'm just... in a delicate mood, and need a moment to figure out how to tell you something of importance."

"Even more of a reason I want to touch you." He reached out seizing her wrist with endearing gentleness.

She didn't refuse this time. She couldn't. Despite their magical connection through the bond she had missed his touch. She couldn't go one more second without having him close.

Sarek blinked. "This is... unexpected."

"You don't say," Amanda deadpanned.

"How long have you known?"

"Just after you've left for Delta Vega." She slumped, trembling. "First I was shocked, frightened even, but then I talked to Peggy and she said I shouldn't worry."

"Considering I think a modicum of unease is logical." He stroked the sensitive skin on her wrist. "Though together we will handle the challenge."

"Are you saying... you want this baby?"

"Why should I not?"

"Aren't you concerned about the baby's life expectancy? His prospects of being viable at all?"

"Of course I am. Yet it is logical to have children with the woman you have chosen to be your wife, is it not?"

"Oh, Sarek." She hurtled herself into his arms, drawing on his strength.

He kissed her on the forehead. "Is that why you have behaved illogically for days? Was your behavior ordinary for a human female who is pregnant?"

"Ha ha," she said. "This female is in fact still a bit jittery because she needs to ask a favor." She snuggled against him a bit more, not ready to spoil the moment. He was rarely this affectionate if they were not being intimate.

"Anything, now that we sorted things out," he whispered, stroking her back with both hands. "I was concerned about you behaving quite oddly the last couple of weeks. I thought you wanted to leave me and Vulcan."

"No, of course not." Oh no. "At least not forever." She blinked a few fresh tears away. "I'm just considering giving birth at home, where I would feel more comfortable by having my friends, particularly Peggy close by. Such an arrangement would be a relief to you too, being busy around the clock."

"I see." His arms dropped down and he slid backwards on the bed. "Let us talk about this nearer to the time." His eyes and voice were as dark and uneasy as at the time of his pon farr.

She shivered. "Okay. Thank you." She wanted him to hold her again. She wanted to take her words back.

"Please excuse me now as I have to dictate a lot of reports regarding matters discussed on Delta Vega." He rushed off leaving her with the feeling that she'd done something unforgivable.

That feeling was confirmed as she experienced waves of despair through their bond. She choked and shook, tumbling down onto the bed. Oh joy! That wasn't smart. Couldn't you have waited a few days before you drop that bomb on him? Couldn't you be more sensitive? She put her hands on her belly to calm herself for the baby's sake. When Sarek stayed away over night without sending her a message, she was too shocked to cry, though she couldn't sleep a wink.

In the morning, she was a mess. Nothing she did during the day helped to make the hurt and the longing to talk things out go away. For the first time since they got married she was seriously concerned about their relationship. So much she gasped at his sudden and soundless entrance at sundown.

He gave her a brisk nod. "Excuse my absence. I needed time to meditate."

"Okay." Amanda swallowed. "Did it help? Do you feel better?"

"You are mistaken. I was never unwell. I just needed to gather my thoughts."

Yeah, right! Don't give me that shit. "Well, I did the same and I think we need to talk."

"I agree."

"Do you?" She couldn't help smiling.

"What is it now?" His face was a stern and emotionless mask, the darkness in his eyes frightening.

"No human male would say that after hearing those words."

"Is my unlikeness to them turning into a problem?"

"Not at all," she said, moving into his personal space. "I love you, even if I don't understand you sometimes."

"Well, maybe I should explain myself then." He didn't touch her nor did he smile. "Though your wish to give birth anywhere but on Vulcan is disrespectful to our traditions, I accept your request. I promise you can travel home to Earth if the time comes to be among your friends. I know how much you miss them. My company has no equal value."

"Uh... sure... thank you," she said, and stepped back. There! She had hurt him by referring to Earth as her home. So what? "Let me tell you something then. I left my home and my friends just to be with you. I accepted this life because I love you. I worked hard to feel at home here and I do, even though you don't believe that. But, I'm human and won't apologize for occasionally missing my home. I won't assimilate to the point of forgetting who I am and where I came from. I won't stop being me."

"I do not expect you to. I would have married a Vulcan if I did."

"Why didn't you then?" she hurled at him. "Do you even know how hard it is not to laugh out loud if I feel like it, or to start running out of pure joy, or how much I miss the feeling of jumping into a pool of fresh water? I know how emotional I can be, and I will show my feelings whenever I feel the need. I don't care if I'm not as decent and noble as a well-bred Vulcan princess," she snapped, thinking about his first wife. She knew she was overreacting but she was exhausted due to too much crying and the lack of sleep.

His lips twitched as if he forced himself not to smile. "Indeed, you hardly ever behave like a princess."

That's when she slapped him. It happened so fast she even stunned herself. She slapped the ambassador of Vulcan hard enough that she left a mark.

He raised both eyebrows. "I think we skipped that lesson in human behavior."

"Oh, shut up!"

"If you wish for silence, meditation would be the right path."

"Shove that where the sun doesn't shine!" She turned around and stormed outside into the garden, the place that turned into her sanctuary.

Despite her anger, she realized how much he must care for her to go against the traditions of his people by granting her wish of giving birth on Earth. She also came to the more surprising conclusion that she had changed her mind. She couldn't give birth anywhere but on Vulcan because she loved and respected Sarek too much. Perhaps later, after the baby was born, she would pay Earth a visit to show her child where she had come from. A few tears ran down her cheeks and she wiped them away. "I'm silly, you know." She put a hand on her belly. "But I hope you will be not as logical as your daddy even if I love him the way he is."

I-Chaya came running and stopped in front of her, growling. The creature must have sensed her distress. She stroked him with a light hand and was gifted with some kind of purr, though it sounded neither like a kitten nor a tiger. The unique affection gave her the strength to get up and go back to the house. At the door she exhaled, bracing herself for the apology she owned to Sarek, then entered. Of course, the sehlat had to stay outside and wailed in frustration.

Amanda was close to making the same sound when she learned from T'Pari that Sarek had left the house with the message he would stay away for a few nights. She forced a polite smile for the housekeeper, then excused herself, rushing to her and Sarek's private rooms. She got almost no sleep for three days and tried to handle her distress by keeping busy in the house and garden. T'Pari noticed her misery because she spoke in an unusually soft tone to Amanda, if she even bothered her at all.

On Friday, Sarek surprised her with a visit to one of her classes. He was even sitting down, listening to her lecture. She became a bit nervous because of the way he was looking at her, but was also thrilled about the respect he paid her with his presence. In spite of them fighting, she longed for his smile, his touch, his company. But how could she tell him any of this after what had happened between them? How could she keep her dignity and at the same time give in to the craving to make love to him?

He approached her as soon as the lesson was over. "I came to pick you up. We need to leave right away."

"I see," she murmured, disappointment seizing her. It must be some diplomacy trip, of course. That was the only reason why he'd come here. Keeping up appearances was important to him. "Whatever this is, I don't live under your authority. I'm your wife. I'm your partner. Try again, husband." I can't do this, playing the obedient wife. I can't suppress who I am.

"You are correct, Amanda. I apologize. May I have the honor of your company on this significant journey?"

"You may." The way he looked at her made her horny beyond any sense or reason, which was illogical, until now. She blamed her pregnancy.

The journey lasted only half a day. In the afternoon Sarek invited her to have a drink with him. He stunned her because he had the aide serve some ice cream as well.

She relished the delicacy. "Thank you. I missed my favorite dessert a lot. Just like having a meal in your company."

"As well as many other things. I have not forgotten about the sorrows you mentioned."

"I'm sorry. I was too harsh that day."

"We both were." He swallowed. "Are you finished licking the spoon clean? I would like to go to the bridge with you. The planet we are approaching is worth looking at."

"Sure." She was anxious and eager to make the best of this trip and the sight of their destination confused her even more than the dessert. A blooming green place with lakes and rivers and trees as far as she could see. What the hell? Did she miss something? Did she once again underestimate what was going on beneath that stoic face of a Vulcan?

"Do you not approve?" Sarek asked. "I thought it was a good idea to take a weekend off to strengthen our bond."

"I thought you were required to take care of some diplomatic negotiations."

"Indeed I am." He raised an eyebrow.

Oh god. He's incredible. She laughed and lifted herself up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Amanda." He swallowed for the second time. That was indeed unique.

"I know, I know," she whispered, observing the crew pretending to be busy with landing preparations. "I'll wait."

"I am much obliged." He couldn't keep his lips from twitching. "I do not mind your emotions though."

"That day may yet come." She flushed about her silly joke.

"Unlikely." He reached out, raising his two fingers to her.

She accepted the intimate gesture gladly, placing her own fingers against his. In a formal manner, she and Sarek walked off the bridge, holding any desires in check.

Once they were given a bungalow located in a dreamlike landscape, they both gave into passion. She kissed him as if she had walked through a desert and he was the most delicious water needed to slake her thirst. Sarek didn't hold back either, responding to every kiss and touch most passionately. Inspired by his unbridled passion, Amanda was bold enough to try out a new technique in handling Sarek's manhood. Her move was successful. Sarek's eyes widened and he hissed, gripping her shoulders.

"Something wrong, my dear ambassador?" she teased, breathless.

"No. Keep at it."

"Very well." She quickened the pace, and adding some kinky moves she gained a very satisfying victory. Slightly disoriented, he was doing the same for her, honing the newly-learned moves to a new pitch, and together they reached the highest levels of pleasure.

In the aftermath, she snuggled him. "Can we talk? I mean really talk. About us?"

"Was that why you behaved so erratically?" he asked, kissing the nape of her neck. "Why did you not say so?"

""This is no matter I, or any woman can talk about easily."

"I do not understand."

"Just…it's less embarrassing to show you my desires and needs than to enunciate them," she murmured, huddled against his chest. "I'm sorry."

"Amanda, there is nothing, you cannot tell me. We are bonded. I even know what you are feeling when we are apart."

"Not always," she teased, thinking about his surprise about her pregnancy.

He shook his head. "That was because you are still trying to hide from me. You cannot hide your thoughts from me. We have a marital bond." He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, his fingers caressing the sensitive spots. "I realized I have still much to learn and do not know you as well as I thought."

"I feel the same way about you and I'm sorry. It's just even if we're bonded, it's different to talk about such matters."

"If you want to be with me, just say so."

"It's not just that. I want to feel close to you. Having you close makes my life on Vulcan much easier."

"We are bonded, Amanda. We could not be any closer."

"We humans need more. We need to kiss and touch to feel connected and reassured. I need physical intimacy as well as sharing you through the bond."

"I did not know that. I assure you I will keep it in mind." He kept caressing her neck. "I do not show it often but I appreciate that you left your world behind to become my wife. In the past few weeks I was concerned you wanted to leave because you disliked Vulcan and suppressed those feelings just for my sake."

"Why, no. Vulcan is a world of different beauties I don't want to miss. I don't regret coming here."

"You said you cannot laugh, run, and that you miss a pool."

"Yes, I do, but I would also miss the cacti and rock formations, T'Pari's unfailing know-how, the red horizon, I-Chaya, and most of all you."

"It is good that you took a liking to the sehlat. That means you understand the Vulcan soul better than you think."

"What about the Vulcan heart?" she asked, eager to talk more about the touchy subject.

"Give it time." He pecked her on the cheek. "Let us go outside and take a walk. We can go on talking while we are walking." He turned around to get out of bed.

She latched onto him, kissing one of his delicate ears, lingering at the pointy tip.

He turned back. "I see."

Amanda was not only able to wrench an impressed fascinating from Sarek during the night but made him fall asleep first, which had never happened before. She kept her eyes open for a few more minutes, wallowing in the vulnerable sight of him, sated at last.

They stayed in bed until the late afternoon and then roamed through the blooming nature.

Sarek was in a particular relaxed and open mood. "Due to the impending arrival of our child, I need to know if there are any more lessons I need to learn besides those we have already explored."

"My dear husband, there's always more to learn." She smirked.

"Well, then tell me what does it mean, 'Shove it were the sun doesn't shine'?"

Amanda's glorious laughter echoed through the park like a beautiful melody on this terrific day.

Though the weekend trip was over way too soon she left the beautiful oasis with the feeling that her marriage had become stronger. She was right. Her daily routine was somewhat easier and Sarek kept his word by paying more attention to her human needs. In return she didn't hold back anymore, and was honest about any shortcomings or wishes.

The nine months of her pregnancy were as expected; not easy but not as hard as Amanda had feared. Sarek arranged for the best medical care and the Vulcan physicians used artificial means to nourish the baby in utero to make sure it was born healthy. Furthermore Sarek invited Peggy and Ben to stay with Amanda for a few weeks, and the cheerful company of her friends took a lot of stress off of her.

Unfortunately Professor Timmons hadn't dared to travel the long distance at his age. He made amends by sending her a lot of new reading material, a bunch of audiotapes, and some delightful pictures. One of them showed Sarek at Peggy's wedding where he was captured being his emotionless self, making some guests looking away from his stoic countenance.

Just look at him! Seriously? How can you put up with that guy? Amanda read the attached note and laughed so hard tears ran down her face, alarming Sarek who came over to make sure she was all right. "I'm fine," she wheezed, wiping the tears away. She showed him the picture then.

He didn't even blink. "I do not understand."

"That's okay. There are things only humans understand."

"I do not disagree."

"That makes my day." She chuckled.


Amanda surrendered to a second hysterical fit. Well, damn that hormones. What else was there to blame? Certainly not her ideal husband.

The day her baby came couldn't have been worse. The sky above Vulcan was dark and yellow; the planet's temperature above average because a sandstorm was coming. One of the milder storms Sarek had said in his usual matter-of-fact tone. Yet Amanda couldn't get over the fact that she wasn't in a hospital or her comfortable home to bring an unprecedented hybrid into this world.

Why must I give birth in a cave in the midst of natural disaster? Yeah, right. Religion. Tradition. Blah blah blah, she mused, while the next cramp washed over her. Sarek had insisted on the unorthodox location and she trusted his judgement no matter how out of place his choice struck her.

A team of female medics was attending the birth, as well as T'Pari, showing Amanda polite respect she had earned over the years. Okay. Stay calm. Breathe. It's a natural thing. No reason to cry. She noticed that one of the medics was frowning. Hey. Those are happy tears. Don't you know? T'Pari calmed the fellow Vulcan with a shake of her head. She knew Amanda long enough to be unconcerned about such strong emotions.

Amanda didn't show much weakness actually. She hardly made a fuss and endured most of the pain almost soundlessly. The baby helped the process by not making much trouble, slipping easily out of her, eager to take his first breath.

"So human," Sarek said shortly after, handing their son over to her.

The sight of him made Amanda's heart sing. Spock. Spo'k'hat'n'dlawa. She was pleased with the meaning of his Vulcan name. One half of each other's heart and soul.

"So much like you," she murmured, beaming at Sarek, though she was rather exhausted.

He didn't agree nor disagree. Instead he touched her hand.

She was surprised at him showing his affection openly with others present. She knew him well enough to understand what such a gesture meant. "I love you."

He didn't return the sentiment but spoke to her through their bond. He was a part of her and would be till death. She had been right to take him to be her husband. She had been right to choose this life, no matter how hard and different it sometimes was. It was the life she wanted, a rich and adventurous life at the side of the most fascinating male in the universe.

With her body and mind put at ease, she dozed off and when she woke up again stunning light was streaming into the cave. The sky outside burnt in a rich yellow, the color of vigor and warmth, the color of knowledge and wisdom. She cuddled her son. "I know you will be someone unique one day. Well, you already are."

She reached out to her husband, whose outfit was glowing in the rays of light bouncing of the walls. "I'm ready to carry our bundle of joy to the house." The color of golden opportunities.

"I expected nothing less, t'hy'la." Sarek helped her to her feet. "Your heart is strong, your mind and spirit are exceptional."

"That's because I'm home."

"Indeed, you are." Sarek gifted her with a smile that made his dark eyes sparkle like stars.

"With you." She lifted herself up and kissed him on the cheek.

"I can see the logic in that." He leaned into her touch, smelling her hair.

T'Pari gasped. The medics gazed. Spock gurgled.

"Can you, husband?" Amanda quipped, walking into a future as bright and compelling as the Vulcan sun coming up over the horizon.


Star Trek - Amanda & Sarek Fanfiction