"With me, Sparrow."
Author: Daniela
Fandom: PotC: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Sparrington
Rating: NC17
Category: Angst, Romance, Smut
Series/Sequel: Moonlight Charade
Summary: Jack is being taken.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Nobody is capable of owning them.
Warning: M/M, Slash
Feedback: Yes, please. It's my treasure.
Email: daniforblue@yahoo.de
Released: April 2004
Revised: May 2020
Beta: arizonaicerose, Monika
Word Count: 2096
Jack stood at the railing wallowing in the beauty of the sea and bemoaning his fate. Such a gorgeous Caribbean night, eh? Too bad the 'Dauntless' and I are on the way to fight bloody Barbossa and his crew. Aye. Such a waste of time to do much nicer things, such as to a pain in the arse British officer. An irresistible handsome officer. Blimey!
Right then Elizabeth walked up to him and interfered with his fancies. She was a lovely distraction though. Unfortunately, she only wanted to talk about the curse. She was concerned neither of them had told Commodore Norrington about the crucial matter. Well. She feared for Will's safety. He admitted he admired her way of doing whatever was necessary to save that boy. Such as gotten him drunk last night.
"You're a smart man, Jack" she granted, "but I don't entirely trust you."
He moved towards her. "Peas in a pod, darling."
She looked him in the eye but then she turned her face away.
Eh? He frowned and whirled around. Confronted by the disapproving looking Commodore, he staggered backwards.
Norrington shut the lid of the compass he was holding and threw it into his hands. The compass. The one that didn't point north. "With me, Sparrow," the Commodore ordered, looking grim.
Jack looked once more at Elizabeth but obeyed. He hid a smirk though, feeling Norrington's heated presence behind him. "Where do ye wish me to go?"
"Straight ahead to my quarters."
Oh! Did I stand too close to Elizabeth? Are ye of the jealous sort? Will ye punish me for just talking to yer future bride? The prospect of the wedding didn't amuse him as much as he had claimed a few hours ago. Why marring someone who didn't love ye, eh? Why wasting such a gorgeous face and body?
They reached Norrington's quarters and went in. The light in the room was gloomy, a faint scent of coconut oil and pepper was lingering in the air. A flavour that fired up Jack's imagination. "What do ye have in mind, eh? Punishing me for talking to her? Giving me some flogging?" he prompted, stirred up, as he was looking for a way out of here.
"No," Norrington breathed. "Nothing like that."
Blimey! What's biting ye? Jack faced him.
The Commodore's eyes were hidden in the shadows.
Yet Jack caught a peculiar glint in them.
Norrington got rid of his hat and wig. Unbuttoned fast, the jacket followed.
Jack raised both eyebrows. "Eh?" The sound was wiped away by strong hands that pulled him forward into the hard mouth of his captor. He was forced into a demanding and merciless kiss, nay, boarded by a sneaky enemy.
At first, he was fighting back, yet then, his body responded to the harsh attack. His mind still at a loss, his body was leading, melting into Norrington's.
The Commodore seized his neck, deepening the kiss, even biting his lips.
Bloody hell! Jack threw his arms around him. His enemy's strong arousal rubbed against his crotch. A brilliant sensation. Begad! He tore his lips free. "Commodore, this is a bit unexpected."
"Indeed." Norrington sealed his lips again.
Aye...that's hot and sweet...and as surprising as... oh...I want that...I want more... Overpowered by passion and desire he lost his head. Aye. Why should he not plunge into such a treat? Swaying through the room like a ship in a storm, he and his enemy reached a safe harbour. Norrington's bunk. They dropped down on the spot, panting and jerking.
Buried under Norrington's taller body, Jack felt threatened and aroused at the same time. The demanding lips left his mouth. "More," he pleaded without shame. The lips returned hotter than any forge. His cock hardened.
Norrington's next move was even more arousing. He solved the puzzle of Jack's laces in no time. Jack gave a muffled groan. Then Norrington's hand brushed by his longing member and he groaned once more.
Down-and-dirty, the officer pulled Jack's breeches down to the ankles, exposing him, then spinning him around.
Jack was unable - or unwilling - to stop him. I'm being ravished. From me enemy, a British officer. If I were less horny, I'd have laughed. Aye, it was quite funny to be pinned down by this man of all people, but he didn't even smile. His mouth was dying for more kisses and his cock throbbed for release; he was ready to be taken. Wet fingers were touching the sensitive spot between his buttocks, oiling it. Where did ye get this oil, Commodore? Did ye plan this? Did ye pursue me tonight only to pin me down and fuck me? Norrington's fingers weren't tender though, they only prepared him.
Ravished. Used. Taken. Some pride stirred in Jack and he tried to get up. In vain. A strong hand pinned him down, a hard, thick shaft slid inside him. Jack gasped.
"Keep still." Norrington pushed further, going along with hungry sounds. Without effort he filled Jack's inside to the hilt, then pulled out, only to push back inside.
Jack shuddered; the sweetest pain was sweeping his entire body with the sensation of Norrington's cock charging his hole and the balls brushing against his arse. Bloody hell! Who are you? What's yer poison, eh? When his insides started to burn, he muffled his groans into the fabric, pressed against his face. This is too quick, too hot, aye, too much friction... He was pounded even faster then, as if he had spoken out loud, and Norrington's excited panting increased. Those satisfied grunts made his defeat even more abasing. Still his cock was so hard, he wanted to cry out, he wanted to touch himself to make the insufferable pain go away. He wished Norrington would touch him, giving him what he needed. Didn't he deserve a special treat for being taken in such an unexpected and merciless way?
Though his enemy didn't mind his suffering and needs. He kept shafting him, until he reached his climax, shooting his hostile seed into Jack's hole. One single deep groan marked the victorious finish. Then Norrington slipped out immediately.
Jack was left lying on his front. Me, the filthy pirate, soiled, on the ground, where I'm supposed to be. Tormented by an erected cock, Jack turned around and tried to pull up his breeches. "Isn't it strange that some men never show their true face until they fuck ye," he confronted the Commodore. The bugger finished buttoning his breeches. Bloody hell! Whereas Jack had trouble to tie his damn laces.
Norrington's features were still grim. "You are not free to go, pirate."
"Eh? Ye have yer victory. What do ye want now?"
Norrington pushed him back on the bunk. He was appraising Jack's uncared cock. "I say the enemy hasn't surrendered yet." Jack's baffled stare conjured an enchanting smile on the face of his enemy. Though the exquisite expression vanished in a split second. Norrington knelt and grabbed Jack's left thigh and the overheated cock.
Nah. Not again. Jack pushed himself up to his elbows, ready to fight, ready to break the nose in that smug face. Though wicked lips were circling the head of his cock now. Jack fell back on the bunk, moaning, bucking his hips. In need he gave the whole length of his cock to his enemy's seductive mouth. He was unable to stop Norrington or to fight him off. He wanted to be sucked off by those lips. Now more than ever. He swore under his breath. "Ye British devil, ye'll pay for this."
The only reply were explicit smacking sounds.
Bugger! Jack shoved his shaft in deeper - and deeper. Just a little bit more and he would... just a little bit more of those inspiring sounds and juicy lips...
Well. Just then Norrington stopped the delicate treat.
Jack glared at him. "Fun, eh? Torturing the pirate?"
The Commodore smirked and stood up. Only to take the place next to him though.
"Get off! Not in the mood for cuddling."
"Shut it." Sweeping his tongue into Jack's mouth, Norrington cut him off, turning his anger into passion in seconds.
The spicy sweetness consuming him only increased his desperate hunger for release. He needed to break the kiss. "What do ye want, eh? Begging?" He grabbed his enemy's hand and put it on his arousal.
Norrington snorted. "That will get you nowhere." His head vanished inside Jack's half-open shirt then, where he was nipping at Jack's perky nipples.
Bugger me! Jack stared at the messy dark-brown hair. So far, he'd never seen or smelled the man's natural roots. "Commodore...." His cock twitched beneath the light weight of Norrington's motionless hand.
His enemy's tongue flickered around his nipples; his teeth were nipping at them. Thus, it was useless to argue, Jack buried his hands in Norrington's lovely hair, pulling him closer. Norrington was biting now, a sensation quite beyond all bearing, a peculiar pleasure. Jack writhed under him, though he did not struggle when Norrington trailed further down, finding Jack's exquisite navel. In no hurry to finish what he had started Norrington kept licking and plucking at it.
Come on. Come on. Jack was dripping with need. "Please." He was in pain and not ashamed to beg, even though Norrington had told him there was no point. "There must be something I can do... Arrr!" At last Norrington pursued his way down Jack's light hairline. At last his slick tongue treated the most sensitive spots. The swollen balls, the longing shaft, the tender crown.
"Aye...take me, taste me..." Jack growled and jerked at the hair of his enemy.
Norrington sucked his cock in to the hilt. Clenched his jaw and let go again. Squeezed the balls.
Jack suppressed a cry. Aye. I'm close...close...Shiver me timbers! A stab of desire hit him; a sensation like his mind and body were breaking into pieces. His seed burnt its way through his cock into Norrington's mouth, and his climax washed in waves of aching pleasure over him. Bloody hell! That the Commodore even sucked him empty was almost enough to make him hard again. Nah. Don't give him that. Not...yet. He let go of the flavoursome hair.
At once the Commodore stood up. "You are free to go now, pirate." His voice was cold.
Jack's unspent lewdness dwindled away. Well then! He got his breeches in order. He knew he had to wash up some place else.
The Commodore sat down at the table and poured himself a glass.
Jack cleared his throat. "If this is rum, can I have some, mate?" The intense green eyes of his enemy made him shiver. Not out of fear though.
Norrington offered him the glass. "Sure, Mr. Sparrow."
"Captain, please," Jack insisted, and knocked the drink down. Ah. Such flavour. The distinct burning started in his stomach and spread through his body. "More please."
Norrington poured him a second glass. "You know what happened won't change anything."
"Savvy. Right now, I'm talking to the Commodore. Back there," Jack nodded to the bunk, "I had the pleasure with... what's yer first name?"
"James," Norrington disclosed, sipping from the anew filled glass. He handed the glass over to Jack.
He licked his lips. Not only for the pleasure of the rum Norrington ceded to him. "James." He savoured the liberty of calling him that and knocked the drink back.
A killing glance from his enemy. "Go now."
"Aye." Jack put the glass on the table. He smiled. "Ye know, I was dreaming of what has happened today. Never thought, it would come true."
Norrington's eyes blazed in fiery green.
Well, I'll be damned. Jack split. On deck the night continued to shine its magic. Countless stars, a bright moon and salty air were a pleasure for Jack's senses. He inhaled. Ye think it's over, dear James. Ye started this but I'll finish it. I was rooting for ye since the first day we met. Ye didn't know that, eh? Now that I found about yer desires, I won't let it go. It ain't over, luv. We'll have much fun together. He started humming and went looking for water to clean himself. Such a gorgeous night indeed. Such an unexpected cruise. He chuckled.
A few hours later, Norrington brushed Jack off by shoving his intimate hand from his shoulder. He used the spyglass, so he didn't have to touch Jack with his fingers.
Aye, Jack promised himself in that moment, it ain't over yet, luv. I'll make ye remember. Ye'll cry me name and crave for me touch, savvy?