A pirate's life - 3/6
Author: Daniela
Fandom: PotC: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Sparrington
Rating: NC17
Category: Angst, Adventure, Romance
Series/Sequel: Sequel to 'Stranded' and 'Me Treasure'
Summary: James sails off course.
Warning: M/M, Slash
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Nobody is capable of owning them.
Feedback: Yes, please. It's my treasure.
Email: daniforblue@yahoo.de
Beta: None
Released: December 2024
Word Count: 4860
Why, no. James wasn't sulking, was he? Once again, I am his prisoner. Once again, he can do to me whatever he wants. And why am I aroused by the prospect? Who am I? What lies in wait for me feeling this daft?
"What's your plan?" Patrick whispered, while he was checking the brig for listeners. "Kill him now, or later?"
"I am not eager to kill anyone," James disagreed, taking the trouble to search his pockets in irons. "And you don't have to worry. This is one of his games."
"Some game." Patrick flagged up his handcuffs.
"It is." James pulled the ring from the depths of his breeches. Why hadn't Jack frisked him for the thing? Since when he missed an opportunity to show off?
"Whatever. We're at your Bonny's mercy. Did you have something like this in mind going after him?"
"Far from it!" He polished the green stone. Should he threaten Jack to throw his mother's ring overboard. Should he embarrass himself by disclosing he had kept his token? Should he make a bold move or let Jack stew in his own juices?
"So, are you going to save us with your curious attraction?"
"What are you implying?" he snorted, reminiscing well enough what he and Jack had done. He had me, hadn't he? Indeed, he gave me all he'd got. So, what more is he up to? What else can he do to make his conquest complete?
"I ain't implying anything. Only Sarah passed on a couple of things before our departure... uh..."
"For heaven's sake. You should give her a licking for talking about such matters."
"I'd like that, aye, but unfortunately, I'm stuck here with you."
"Would you mind... no improper conversations about my sister," James huffed, rubbing Jack's token rather warily now as if their inept words could unlock some horrible sea monster to rise up.
"Only if you tell me about the importance of this ring and why this pirate is feeling betrayed by you. I know you are an honest man to the core."
"Well then. If I must." Sarah would tell him anyway and he wanted to stay awake and alert to prevent the pirate from sneaking down here and.... He flushed due to the most improper ideas.
"I see, I got you hooked."
"I only start if you bridle your tongue."
"Fair enough." Patrick leaned back and made himself comfortable. "Okay. I'm ready. Spill the beans!"
Against James' expectations Jack didn't sneak down to the brig by night molesting him in his sleep. Yet he made his grand entrance right after sunrise.
James kept himself from gloating. "Why did you rope innocent men into this?" he barked and stood up. Being taller than Jack was giving him at least the illusion of having the upper hand.
"No Brit is innocent. Is this why ye came? To rescue yer mates?"
"Indeed. What have you thought? That I came for a happily ever after?"
"Nay, but I expected to get groomed."
"Haven't I done that satisfactory already?" James snarked, ignoring Patrick's puffing and blowing.
"Have ye now?" Jack sniffed.
"Your trickery is not working."
"Mine? As soon as I bid ye farewell, ye ran back to yer proper life."
"As if! You sneaked out."
"I left ye a note."
"That insolent shred?!"
"Don't. Done is done. So much the better!"
Jack shrugged. "Aye. I got me ship back and I got ye trapped to serve me."
"Indeed?" Despite the bleak situation James couldn't suppress a smirk. "Never shy to express your needs, are you, Sparrow?"
"Me dear Commodore, get yer mind out of the gutter. Go on up to the deck where I'll show ye how to work yer debt off."
"I can hardly wait for this travesty to unfold," James hissed into Jack's face, yet he climbed up the stairs. He needed fresh air to clear his mind to have a chance to get out of this mess.
"Me too," Patrick said, following his brother-in-law twinkle toed.
"What debts are we talking about?" James enquired, watching the crew assemble. He recognized Master Gibbs as well as two or three other faces from clashes in Port Royal.
"For saving yer life. Twice."
"You must be joking. I saved yours twice as well. We are even."
"For the reason of yer relations to the pirate killer Thomas Mallory. Is this better?" Jack glared at him.
For heaven's sake! How could you, Sarah? I told you not to trust him. "Not by blood."
"Stick and stones, luv. Scrub me deck to make amends," Jack said, and picked up a filthy rag.
"Like hell I will!" James squared his shoulders. He would rather fight them all and die with dignity. This is how Tommy's father had raised him.
"Oh? Are ye sure?" Jack beckoned to his crew. Master Gibbs strolled over and handed him the cat.
"How dare you!" James scoffed. The scars on his back twinged.
"Ye'll do as I say," Jack purred, fiddling with the pain inflicting thing. "Or ye'll met the rope's end again, me bucko."
The 'Black Pearl' soared with taut sails, its wooden body groaning and jerking in the stiff breeze whereas the crew fell silent.
"This is only the beginning," Jack went on, pacing back and forth in front of James. "I might elaborate of things having happened between us, and to us. Yarn those events for everyone around. Passed on by them with glee until the end of time and longer still."
James clenched his fists. He desired to wipe that smirk of Jack's face by forcing a kiss on those impertinent lips, and then he'd have it off with him right in front of everyone around. What a yarn that would be. The most curious yarn to tell forever indeed. "So? Bring it on!"
"Well then, matey, what about dear Patrick suffering the fate of feeling the cat?"
"Bugger!" He sneered at the pirate's cleverness and then looked at his brother-in-law. The nicest guy he had ever played cards with. Through and through good. Sarah's love of her life. "Okay. Fine." He couldn't risk any harm coming to him. He could never do that to Sarah. But could you, Jack, after all she had done for you? Could you really repay her kindness so heinously?
"No worries then." Jack beamed, throwing the cat back to Master Gibbs. The senior pirate caught the thing with an eased sigh.
"Hey! No way!" Patrick interfered. "I can vouch for myself. Don't sacrifice for me."
"I know," James said, yet decided. "But this is a personal matter. So, please, shut up."
"Go on now," Jack continued, prancing around more. "Make up for having us chased and sent to the gallows. Make up for bad relations."
Have you learned your lesson now? He is not worthy of you being at odds with yourself, James pondered, taking the rag.
"Shirtless, luv," Jack continued putting him down.
Sod you! James pulled his shirt over the head and flung it over the railing into the sea. The crew laughed heartily. Jack only tilted his head to the right and smiled. "Come now! Scrub!"
All right! James knelt and scrubbed the deck with the filthy rag which was stinking like rotten fish. So what? That doesn't make any difference. He hunched his shoulders, wondering how much the crew actually knew about the events on the isle and on 'La Esmeralda'. Are they having a big laugh whenever they get drunk and gossip about my foolishness with their captain? He smacked the rag on the boards, spraying his face with foul water. Alas! Never mind! Think about Patrick.
His dear brother-in-law was walking up and down the deck, watched over by Master Gibbs, but unbothered otherwise. His safety is top priority, James reasoned the situation, then smiled cheekily at the cacao-skinned woman steering the ship with an ease that was admirably. And guess what? She smiled back. Well. This was a game, wasn't it? Feeling Jack's eyes were following any of his humbled moves, he knew what was on the bloody pirate's mind. You want a piece of that arse, Captain Jack Sparrow, don't you? But you won't get any. Not by force or begging. Not today. Scrubbing along, he was clenching his muscles in unison with the ship's rise and fall, conquering his shifty lover by leading him on. For I have learned from the best, haven't I?
Though when Jack was ordering Master Gibbs to bring Patrick to the captain's cabin at sunset quenched James' strange delight. Was Jack rumbling his game? Seizing an opportunity to get even? Damn him. He was sulking now, wasn't he? Patrick was not a bit Jack's type to boot. But I can't be sure, can I? Could be, he only seduces Patrick to teach me a lesson. Only to hurt me good. And hurt I would be. But what about Sarah? Didn't Jack care one bit for her? Had he only pretended to like her to sound her out about our relations and have an easier escape? Is this not going the way I thought it would be? And why do I agonize about non-relevant matters? He got up and spat over the railing. Am I willing to scrub through the night or am I ready to grab a sword and fight? Ah. Too late. Two crew members appeared ordering him to get back down to the brig.
Well then! He welcomed the downtime. He needed to contrive a proper course of action, equal to the trickery of the pirate. Besides, his knees and the sunburn on his back were killing him.
Much to his chagrin James couldn't calm down to focus. He was tossing and turning on the hard floor thinking about Jack getting it on with Patrick. How long since Patrick had been invited to Jack's quarters? How much time to break him or take him? How long to charm Patrick into surrender by choice? Bloody hell! How much more of this to let me suffer and stew in my own juices? Rubbing his itching back against the planks he put up with splinters roughing up his burnt and scarred skin. He grunted. This is fine. Easier to bear than...
The hatch opened, and Patrick shuffled down to him.
"About bloody time! I was worried!" he barked, drawing himself up.
"You shouldn't have. I'm fine."
"Indeed? Why had he kept you there then?"
"Only for drinking."
"Alas! You don't appear drunk."
"I'm Irish."
"Right, go on. You were drinking and..."
"... talking."
"As if."
"Sure we did. About Sarah. About families." Patrick cleared his throat. "And Tommy."
"Bloody hell!" James kicked the main beam. "You told him about Tommy?"
"No details, mate. Only a rough summery."
"You shouldn't have told him anything."
"It just happened. I asked him if this is one of my shirts he's wearing." He chuckled. "Broke the tension."
James rolled his eyes. "Good heavens! First Sarah and now you. My family is the worst."
"James, me mate, nothing happened. He only talks about you."
"He shows his concern in a strange way."
"Well, he, like you, has his pride, but I'm sure you'll be taken to his cabin soon. Not to talk though."
"Shut your mouth."
"Gladly. All this talk makes me miss my dear Sarah and I want to think about her now."
"You won't!"
"You can think about him. I don't mind."
"Says the man, who did oddities and much more with Tommy."
"For heaven's sake! Don't start!" He dropped back to the planks and shut his eyes. Ah! He did think about him but didn't do what was needed to make the growing tension go away. And if Patrick did what he had implied he was not giving it away by making a sound. James didn't believe he would be able to stay this silent if... if... Oh! Sod it! Go to sleep already. You need your strength for scrubbing. For that and to make a surprise sally.
Indeed, because James was forced to scrub the deck and watch Jack flirt with Patrick for two more days. On the third day he had it then. In an idle moment he grabbed a sword from a pirate lolling against the railing challenging Captain Jack Sparrow to a duel, handicapped by chains or not. "Death or freedom!" he yelled and meant it.
"Aye-Aye, luv, this is bold and makes me go all tingly," Jack cheered, then beckoned to Master Gibbs. "I will even unchain ye to make this fight fair and square."
"Shove that pirate code up your arse!"
Jack laughed. "It's more of a guideline." The crew howled with glee.
Master Gibbs unchained James' hands and feet. "Not that smart, sir."
"Back off!" James didn't take any time to rub his wrists but attacked Jack right away.
Jack warded James' attack off easily, then fought back in high spirits. "Here we go again, luv. Fun, eh?"
"Bugger!" James whinged, pushing forward a second time. "Don't call me that!"
"Whatever the Commodore wishes," Jack snarled, and slashed a deep cut in James' upper arm.
"I only wish for your demise," James hissed, scratching a vicious line in Jack's left cheek.
Jack winced. "Blimey!" He made a sally and cut two locks above James' ear off. The wind blew them up to the cloudless sky.
Sod it! James skipped and sidestepped shrewdly, then slashed Jack's breeches above the right knee. He smirked. There! He would strip Jack to the bone just as he had been stripped. A public mortification. Good heavens! Really? You want this to be a fight or a spectacle? Jack's bloody crew is already looking intrigued. Even Master Gibbs appears curious whereas the cacao-skinned beauty is flaunting annoyance if not boredom... Exactly! What is this? What have I become? His state of distraction gave Jack the opportunity to cut a line along his hip. He gasped and stumbled backwards. The flimsy cord with which he had tied Jack's ring to his breeches came undone and the token tumbled on the planks. plonk!
Jack froze and gaped. "Shiver me timbers!"
"I'll make you kneel as I knelt!" Shaking with rage James advanced like a shot. The crew shrieked.
Yet Jack dodged the attack fleet-footed and bounced onto the railing. "Belay! I'm done damaging me treasure." He threw his sword away. "Let's rather splice the mainbrace, me hearties."
"You are giving up then?" James was gloating, while blood was running down his arm.
"Nah. I offer ye to parley more satisfying terms in me cabin." Jack dabbed at his dripping cheek.
"Right." James didn't let go of his sword. "In your cabin."
"Isn't that better than scrubbing the deck, dear Commodore? Ye know how to handle me, don't ye?"
"If you put it like that... fine."
Master Gibbs' curiosity was gone. He signalled the crew to break off.
"I rely on ye to oversee the amount of rum for the crew, Master Gibbs," Jack assigned, swinging back and forth. "Unchain his friend as well. Anamaria can watch over him." The pirate beauty snorted. "This wasn't part of our agreement."
"Slight odds and ends, darling." Jack jumped off the railing and picked the ring from the planks. "Come on now, let's clean up." He put his mother's legacy back on his right hand.
"Indeed." With his head held high James followed Jack into the captain's cabin.
Jack closed the door and handed him a washcloth. Humming he treated the cut in his cheek.
James cleaned the injury on his arm fighting the increasing agitation affecting the ship and himself.
"All done? Ready to move on?" Jack murmured finished patching up. His body rolled irresistibly in sync with the 'Black Pearl's' rise and fall.
"That depends." James flung the cloth into the washbowl.
"Savvy." With ease Jack closed in on him and kissed the cut on James' neck. "Me sorry."
"You must be joking," James barked, and pushed him back. "Sorry is not enough after you were degrading me to a cabin boy in front of your crew. You are as bad as the bastard Wellington."
"Eh? Ye had me degraded by making me wait in Tortuga. Everybody there was slagging about foolish ol' Jack."
"Serves you right for leaving me high and dry."
"I had no choice. I had a nightmare, nay, a vision."
"A nightmare? That is your excuse?"
"Ye have no idea how hard it was to leave that morning."
"You could have said good-bye anyway."
"I never wanted to say good-bye, luv."
James snorted. "Indeed. Keeping me as your slave."
"Come now. Let's put all disaccords to rest and make a fresh start. With plenty of rum."
"Don't think getting me drunk will make me do what you want."
Jack pulled two mugs and a bottle. "What do I want?"
"What indeed?"
"Let's figure that out, what ye say?" He lifted his filled mug. "By being honest."
"Fine. Let us do that." James filled his mug. "And after you will let me, and Patrick go."
"Very unlikely but I might if ye beat me." Jack smiled. "In a more pleasing competition."
"Have ye ever sucked someone at a public place?"
"Ah." James smirked. The expected about-turn. "Certainly, I have." He drank his mug empty.
"Incredible!" Jack shook his head in disbelief.
"Well then!" James was thrilled about Jack's mistake considering his experiences. "Let us raise the stakes. Who thought wrong must also strip."
"Does he now? Intriguing." Jack flung his hat into a corner.
"You are quite keen on playing this game, are you, Captain?"
"Aye, never been shy to show and do what I want."
"Okay. My turn. Have you ever had a threesome?"
"Oh, darling." He gulped his share down.
"Likewise." James sneered.
"Indeed? Ye surprise me consistently." Jack chuckled. "Well, have ye ever been tied up?"
"You know that best, bloody pirate," James conceded, and knocked his mug back.
"Aye, such a luvly memory."
"Have you ever been wasted enough to be used by someone unwanted?"
"Nay. Never. Got ye now."
James drank hastily then pulled his breeches down, was left with his undergarments only.
"Dearie, ye stun me," Jack gloated, smacking his lips.
"Shut up! Go on."
"Have ye ever say someone else's name during sex?"
"Bugger! You know I did." James knocked his drink back.
"Come on. Give me yer best shot already, "Jack huffed. "Before I waste me cum."
"My, my, Captain, what happened to your legacy of making people want you and not the other way around?"
"Belay! Finish the bloody game."
"As you wish! Have you ever felt more than desire for anyone in your rotten course of life?"
"Ye were saying, luv." Jack gulped his mug empty.
James stared. "Don't bloody cheat."
"I'm not. There now! Give me the treasure."
"Only to look." James removed his undergarments unflustered, didn't feel shame nor coyness.
"Sweet! I can smell yer desire."
"I miss my bride to be."
"Have ye ever told someone ye love them?" Jack hurled at him.
For God's sake! James chewed his lip. I haven't. Tommy had known anyway. No reason to bolster up his self-confidence. Suffer more. "No, never."
"Shiver me timbers!" Jack knocked his mug back. "I was thinking about Tommy."
"So was I!" James snapped, caught off guard. "Your turn to strip."
"There ye go!" Jack pulled his shirt off and his breeches down.
"Two pieces at once? My, my, Captain," James mocked, putting his right hand on his rigid cock. God help me. This vibrant pull is insane. "Have you ever let someone come on your face?"
"This wind-tanned beauty? Nah. But what didn't happen can still happen, luv."
"Or not," James denied, and emptied his mug left-handed. His right hand was busy rubbing. "Well, I have nothing left to get rid of."
"About time," Jack said, stretching and wriggling his limbs. "Now be so nice and get me hat."
"You know the answer to that."
"Aye." He pulled the dagger from his ditched breeches and was at James' throat before he could even blink. The mug dropped to the ground. "Do I need to persuade ye otherwise then? Or tie ye up again to make this more wicked, during coming on yer face. Teach ye better than dear reckless Tommy."
James' hand didn't lose touch with his cock. "So, Patrick, the damn fool, told you about Tommy's fate, too."
"Aye, and me sorry. Lots."
"The hell you are." James leaned into the blade. "Go on. Cut me. I won't budge an inch."
Jack sighed. "Jem, me hearty, we went through these motions already. Aren't ye tired of keeping on wasting time?" His shoulders slumped a bit and his aim drifted off the mark.
"Well. Old habits and all." He stopped rubbing himself and struggled the dagger out of Jack's grip. "Why you must kneel now, turn around, and hold that position until I say otherwise."
"Aye, aye, sir," Jack cheered and carried out the order in lascivious movements. Not in the least giving the impression he was forced or degraded.
"Don't be so smug, bloody pirate," James said, gazing at Jack's arse.
"Nay, it's impatience that drives me. The desire to have it all redone."
"Is that true?" James nuzzled his body to Jack's back and his cock between the eager opening. The dagger he grazed over the distinct scar on Jack's thigh, scraping at the edges.
"Aye." Jack moaned and wriggled. "Sink yer blade and teeth into me, bite and cut me like the beast that gave me that scar, drink me up until I'm spent and raw. Let's sail beyond the bloody horizon at last."
"Naughty. A bad egg indeed." Slowly he weaved his rock-hard cock in, gasped at the highly missed sensations, then struck along to the root. Bloody hell! The best hole he had ever filled. Unrivalled in its glory.
"Arrr! That's it," Jack chirped. "What for ye were chasing after me."
"I wasn't chasing after you. I was coming here on duty." And yet he made himself feel at home feeding with glee at Jack's tightness. He wanted to take him and to be taken at the same time. Not needing any finesse or subtlety. "I was better with you gone." He scratched the blade over Jack's scar, firm enough to draw drops of blood. Along the way he pulled his neglected cock out and twisted full of relish back into the cheeky arse.
Jack whined.
"Happy and engaged," James lamented on. My goodness! This delicious piece. Slick enough to give this ride the proper lubrication. Hot enough to make him burn and yearn with heartfelt passion. "You hear me, bloody pirate? Take this now and then never again." Oh yes. He craved to make Jack scream to do him harder. Beg loud enough to let his crew know who was pulling the shots and who was the cabin boy. Ah. He wanted so much. Wanted to come right now and wanted to hold off forever. To break the bugger like no one ever had and no one ever will again.
"Never?" Jack squealed on and pushed back against him. "I don't believe ye."
"You better!" James grunted, driving in and out, on and on, the dagger still in his grip, ready to cut off skin and flesh.
"What a shame, oh my, but for now I have ye, James. I have ye, where I've wanted ye."
"You have nothing." James pulled Jack's head back and bit into his neck until he was tasting blood moisten his lips.
"Arrr! There ye are. The beast I've dreamed of being inside me. Me stranded lover."
"Shut up. Or I will stop satisfying your bloody arse."
"Slick and hot for ye," Jack purred, writhing unbridled. "Better than yer bloody bride's."
"Dirty bugger! She is innocent."
"Oh? Dear Antonia didn't offer better goods than me then?"
"Patrick is such a gossip," James wailed, and pulled out of Jack. "And you don't deserve none of me after you were kidnapping those officers."
"No, I do." Jack flipped on his back. "Me hands are clean." He looked at his hands. "Figuratively."
"Don't try talking your way out of this." None the less James discarded the dagger. His will to hurt Jack had oddly enough dissolved.
"I don't. I suspect it's Wellington's dirty deed."
"Rubbish!" James sailed into him; pinning their leaking cocks against each other. "Why should he do that?"
"Still pretty keen on ye, eh?" Quite casually Jack wrapped his legs around James' hips. "Lured ye away from the safe harbour. Savvy?"
"Even though he will never succeed in owning me?" James pointed out, rocking against him.
"Aye!" Jack yelped. "Yet the chasing is half of the fun."
"Indeed?" Ah. The rocking. A brilliant sensation to die for. James' attention slipped a bit.
Instantly Jack spun him around, winding up on top.
"A neat trick." James chuckled. Oh Lord! The thrill of being at his mercy. "Worthy of a pirate."
"Me dear Commodore, I'm tired of neatness and tricks. And of holding out. What about coming on yer face now?"
"You mean me coming on your face," James contradicted his impudence, even though he was feeling as needy as his enemy to let go of quite a lot.
"Agreed, let's do it both ways."
"Indeed, let us get even." James boosted the rocking, bursting to explore unfathomed waters.
"Whatever pleases ye, luv."
Aye! Pirates ahoy! Sailing ahead on spilling breakers.
Fuzzy screaming followed by strange roars and chaotic stamping startled James from his sleep. He blinked, at first disoriented, yet reminded by the spicy-scented body clinging to him to where he was and what the trouble might be. All right! Jack's bloody crew was drunk. Though what about Patrick? Is he well? Drinking along with their captors or back in the brig, waiting for me to get us out of here? While he was lying here with an infamous pirate instead of doing the right thing. Not a slave trader though. Thank the Lord! He had come to terms with Jack being a pirate but wouldn't lie with a man who dealt in humans. Certainly, he hadn't granted Jack with those feelings. He had granted him enough already. Ah. Good heavens! Had taken the pirate deep. Had swallowed his come. Stuck with it. Had kissed and licked every inch of the tanned body. Had even... he groaned. Stop thinking about it. Stop making more out of this than it is. A sick desire once unmade after the pirate had abandoned him. A desire he should have killed for good by now. Indeed. Not ending up wrapped in his arms on this filth-ridden bunk. Right. How many has he already taken here? Unsated in his hunger for bodies and adventure, his lust for anyone who serves his needs. Sounds exactly like Tommy, doesn't it? Who broke my heart. Do I want to feel that pain again? Do I need years of agony to come?
"What's going on out there?" Jack mumbled and slipped from his embrace.
James didn't open his eyes. Keeping reality at bay. "Pirates. Drowning themselves in rum. Why are you surprised?"
"Aye. Don't ye move, luv." His captor shuffled to the washbowl and made splashing noises. "I'll surprise ye plenty more as soon as I've handled me hearties."
"Mm-mh." James heard him tiptoe to the door and then Jack was gone. He yawned and stretched. Very well then! Am I ready for more scrubbing? Shoving my arse into the pirate's face. Turning him on until he'd be out of his mind and jump me right there... at the railing... the wind brushing about our skin... ah... just the idea made him put a hand on his cock... rubbing the sore flesh... uh... madness indeed.
The door creaked. Oh? Already back, Captain? Well, I am ready to do you again. One more rub off before sunrise couldn't do any more damage than had been done last night already, right? One more before he needed to come up with a plan to put a stop to this sheer lunacy and come out ahead. Saving Patrick and himself. Not yet though. He spread and wriggled his toes. "Come, my filthy captor. Slide on and make me forget what is wrong in every way. Surprise me as much as you want." A gasp. Shuffling feet. Ah. There were the greedy hands, feeling him up, thumbing his balls, giving him what he wanted. Something was different though. He sniffed. The pirate's scent floating to him was strangely sweet... unfamiliar... What! He tore his eyes open. Bloody hell!
The snake was slithering over him wearing the creepiest smile. "Hello! Thanks for the invitation. I'm game and I'll make you game." He put his weight on James and pinned his hands to the blanket. "Take every inch of me in that pirate-slicked hole of yours."
"Bastard!" James bucked against the predator. What the hell happened? He screamed and spat. Is Jack dead already? He punched and kicked. Shark's prey after all? Clawed at the face. Sinking down to Davy Jones' locker? "I will kill you!" No! That is impossible.
Is it?