A pirate's life - 2/6
Author: Daniela
Fandom: PotC: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Sparrington
Rating: R
Category: Angst, Adventure, Romance
Series/Sequel: Sequel to 'Stranded' and 'Me Treasure'
Summary: Jack is spurred on.
Warning: M/M, Slash
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Nobody is capable of owning them.
Feedback: Yes, please. It's my treasure.
Email: daniforblue@yahoo.de
Beta: None
Released: June 2024
Word Count: 4596
Incredibly Captain Jack Sparrow didn't wreak havoc in Tortuga. After a glorious reunion with the 'Black Pearl' and its crew he strutted for days across the island humming and whistling wistfully. He was in such a good mood, pirates and townsmen started gossiping about the reason given that he had taken a dive into the sea in a battle with the British. Since he had been gone without a trace the rumour he was killed had blazed abroad. Yet here he was. As arrogant and crafty as ever and at that glowing. So, the posse of Tortuga was wondering what had happened during his disappearance and what the source of his stupendous delight was.
Yet before anyone could unriddle that secret, Jack's performance crumbled, and he was seen skulking in gloomy spots of littered streets robbing merchants and groping their wives or the men themselves. He started drinking more than usual, and more, was lamenting about the smallest and most trivial things. The early sunrise, the steady wind, the poisonous green of the sea, as well as complaining about how annoying sand was. A vice he had never had and was not like him at all. Such as slobing about in drinking holes over the island, wrinkling his nose at the stench of rum soaked and unwashed bodies, the distinct smell of any Caribbean tavern, wasting away coins and days, as if he had more than enough of both.
Not long ago, Jack wouldn't have been bothered by smelly creatures offering themselves to him, but now the memory of the fine musky scent and taste of James Norrington was always on his mind and in his mouth. Savvy? Me favourite vice is ye, Jem. The image of me spanking ye or ye spanking me, never mind how about, makes me hard anytime. Even though I'm reunited with me beloved ship and crew ready to sail off to the horizon I can't forget the image of ye smiling at me, saying me name like I mean the world to ye, a sound burnt into me mind like the branding on me arm. Fiercely he rubbed the lasting mark as if he could erase it by willpower alone. Unmarked again. Unblemished. Would that suit ye? he pondered, watching the door in the drinking hole he had chosen to get lost in today. Would that bait ye to come here?
Sod it! Every visitor entering the room darkened his mood. Not James. Blimey! Never James. Yet he was glued to the stool brooding like a prisoner in a cell condemned to ascend the scaffold. Why was he even surprised, eh? James Norrington and he hadn't made any sincere promises to each other, least of all at their last encounter. Wonder why? Not much talking was going on if anything than grunting and thrusting. Arrr. He wanted to have those moments back. The silly sentiments they had whispered to each other. Eh! So what? Why should James have been serious? I'm nobody he'd lament being rid of, savvy? Don't I remember his constant resistance. His disgust of me touching him. There was a truth in that. The truth about James and his feelings for me. Anything else was a mirage. Me having illusions. Aye! Stop it now. Get more rum and forget about the bugger already.
He could have done just that but a day later rumours arrived floating across the sea. Rumours of the kind that brought Jack to the edge of losing his serenity. Rumours he didn't want to believe but should if he was sensible. Begad! Me expectations were imbecile. Not even good enough to feed the fish with them. I'm not worthy of being called a pirate stranded here like a ship in a dead calm. Not taking what I want. Not doing anything. But I can't believe those rumours, can I? Yet I should because James isn't the man malicious enough to think up such trickery, is he? It's not in his nature. So, it must be true.
"Aye, Jack," his longtime mate Gibbs greeted him, approaching the table.
"Ah, Master Gibbs, come on and join me," he said, glad to see a familiar face, a welcome diversion from his insane brooding.
"Gladly, because I have nothing much to do," Gibbs said, sitting down with his mug of rum. "How about ye and me going fishing? Clear our minds to make further plans?"
"Nah." Oh. The memories. The yearning to have those delicate and bloody moments back. Even the pain he would take to do it all over again. "Not in the mood."
"I see. Not in the mood for anything, least of all leaving here."
"What's that to ye?" The shark tearing a piece out of me, which wasn't as painful as being abandoned and betrayed, or as sweet as having been taken care of with delicacy.
"Still craving for that pompous Brit then?" Gibbs debunked his reasons.
Jack grimaced. Ye don't know him. "Whatever makes ye think that?"
"Having ye witnessed jump in the sea, leaving us behind, to save our enemy. Is that enough?" Gibbs recalled as sharp as ever.
Jack snorted. "Savvy. But that was in the past, now is now."
"Why not find yerself another lover then, Jack?"
"Eh? I've got plenty of lovers. Plenty."
"Yet ye don't make much use of them, do ye?"
"Wouldn't do any good. I have certain... uh... more complicated stirrings."
"Stirrings? What? Ye mean like feelings?"
"Rubbish! Not like feelings. More like... all right, feelings, damn it." Aye. Still, I left him behind. Bloody stupid. That plan to meet in a place dominated by pirates sounded much better back there. So much more reasonable. What was I thinking? Well, not much besides about him being inside me. Feeling like mine.
"Oh. That's bad."
"Ye think?" I should have stayed with him, taking me chances. I could have protected him. We could have sailed anywhere together.
"Come on, Jack. This's not ye. Sulking into yer rum. Abandoning yer ship and crew."
"Nay, but I'm bored." He shrugged. "It's not easy to forget a man who saved yer life even he had no reason to."
"Is that all? Ye being grateful." Gibbs shook his head. "The world is still the same, Jack."
"There's just less in it," Jack lamented, and hated himself for acting like shark bait. "A blissful adventure is over and now I'm bored out of me wits."
"Well, all right then." Gibbs took a hearty gulp from his mug. "Tell us, whenever ye're back from the edge of the map and of sound mind again."
"I'd like to, though this is not the day, savvy?" Jack stumbled up and staggered out, seeking a dark corner in a sleazy alley. He was used to mocking remarks or insults, yet none had been as delicious as those of Commodore James 'Jem' Norrington. Ah. There. This constant and unsated burning washing over him. I miss the ordering around, miss being at his mercy, miss him fucking the cheekiness out of me arse and heart. Aye. Come on. Snap it up! He rubbed himself hard against damp stonewalls whispering his name. "Bloody hell," he groaned, shaking. "Have mercy." Yet he missed the rare tender moments and lingering looks, the cuddling in clean linen, the most. Those moments at the waterfall and in Sarah's home were a wistful treasure in his heart. Arrr! Come now! Jem, oh, Jem. Rough me up and I'm willing to forgive ye the unexpected neglect. I'm willing to let ye take the steering wheel. For at least a day. He bucked his hips, chafed himself up at the slippery stones and didn't care. He needed all the friction to soften his aching body and heart. He needed a good and mighty release and then sleep. A rest for his very soul. "Bugger me."
A whore walked by and rolled her eyes. "Have ye no coins left for me service, pet."
He snarled at her and fled to a patch of nature yet kept touching himself fantasizing about Jem's eager lips and tongue, smacking his rod, drinking him up. "Ah! Luv!" He jerked to a halt and spilled his seed against a cacao sapling. "What a bloody waste. Hurry up! Not that I need to take on such an offer soon. Ye will, eh? Ye can't resist me. That's not probable. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow! Savvy?" He mockingly jerked his hips, imagining velvet fingers petting his spent cock, then tied his laces reluctantly. After that he stretched his unwound limbs and strolled to a beautiful beach looking at the dark sea while he dwelled on his feelings.
Underneath the glittering surface deadly creatures hunted for bait, like the shark almost mauling him. He sighed and fiddled with the small item he had stolen from James, right after he had saved him from drowning. Why didn't ye come, eh? Wouldn't or couldn't ye take the opportune moment? Didn't ye want to even? Have I misjudged our attraction? Have ye lied to me about yer feelings and what else? Ye can't do this, ye know, because I'm in love. Aye. Shiver me timbers! Me dear Commodore. Come and put me in irons. Bite me sore. Leave me stranded. Whatever ye want if only ye were around. He scratched at the scar the shark had given him, itching on and off. That bloody day he fell for a man that wouldn't come to make him come. Damn ye, Jem, oh Jem, dearie, I'd never guessed what ye're capable of. Hasn't our adventure meant a damn thing to ye bugger? I wonder what made ye the way ye are? What yer lover Tommy had done to ye? I wonder if ye would have come without him haunting ye still. Would it have mattered? Or do I imagine that as well? Whatever it is, I will make ye pay for fooling me. I must. I'm a pirate and the code demands it, savvy? And even if it wouldn't be so, it pleases me to make ye crawl back to me and beg for forgiveness while I fuck ye unconscious. Aye, dearie, don't ye know it pleases me to chase ye across the ocean. Don't ye know, ye spice up me life? That's why I was stupid to wait this long. Aye. Even more stupid to fall for ye. Ye ain't that handsome. Ye ain't that desirable and I need to remember that. But even if ye ain't mine ye must pay for making me suffer. Right. A plan I need, despicable enough to force James out of hiding. Something immoral to make him forget his pride and goad him to come after me no matter what had kept him away so far. Aye. I'm fed up. I'm used to take what I want, ain't I? I'm used to victory. Rumours don't matter. I won't believe them until ye say them to me face. In yer charming voice that can slow down heavy gales. And probably me rage as well.
Jack's reawakened spirit for hatching out a wicked plan was disturbed by the arrival of 'The Invincible' carrying apart from a brigade of British soldiers the most infamous pirate killer since Salazar.
He couldn't pass such an opportune moment and walked to the anchor place to get a glimpse at Admiral Thomas Mallory himself after he had heard so much about the British hunter. Since he had been hounded by Salazar as a boy, he had a chip on his shoulder considering ruthless pirate killers. And right now, he was in the mood to take any enemy of piracy on. To his regret he came to know that Mallory wasn't on board. His first officer had the command instead. Bad luck indeed! No insidious games then. He was a busy man. He had better things to do. Already on his way he caught sight of the Brit in command coming down the plank. Tall. A bony skull. Ink black curls pouring out from under the wig.
Jack stared. He knew that guy but couldn't sort out why.
The Officer was approaching a group of soldiers, and one of them was as forward to compliment him on the convenient reunion between his daughter and the honourable Commodore James Norrington.
Jack stood frozen on the spot, not minding he attracted probable unwanted attention. Bloody hell! We only parted two months ago. Yet the rumours of him being engaged otherwise are true. He not giving a damn about me is true.
"When will be the wedding?" the nosy soldier went on sounding the officer out.
"Shortly," the guy replied lenient, looking pleased.
A screeching seagull startled Jack out of his numbness. He sneered and escaped the harbour and its onlookers feeling a rage beyond reason. Blimey! He's not only not coming. He's already forgotten about me. Seeking comfort with a decent girl in a proper marriage to prove he's just as decent as he has always implied and the affliction with me was nothing but a temporary folly. Sailing of course with a pirate, and loving it, wriggling underneath me, screaming in bliss. Or doing the same to me. Was all a travesty? None of those sentiments honest. Bugger! What if James was already married? How long had it taken that bloody ship to cross over? Had they come straight away or made stops here and there? Whatever! Why did James get engaged this fast anyway? Isn't he the man I thought he would be? Has he played me the entire time? Had he only pretended to enjoy me sucking and fucking him? Was he planning to run home to this girl as soon as I was gone? Always eager to be free of me. Feeling offended all along by me advances? And is he now? And ain't I? Free to sail to the horizon and beyond? Do whatever I want with whoever I want? Aye. Singapore would be nice and steamy. So many delicious bodies. So much to drink. Indeed. Yet his cock didn't even tingle at the prospect. Bloody hell! I wanted ye to be part of me life, James. I wanted ye. How could ye choose an ordinary girl over me? Have I lost me magic? Was I off course? Sailing blind into disaster?
Lost in tormenting thoughts he wasn't paying attention to where he walked and bumped into Anamaria. She looked as gorgeous as ever. The gleam in her eyes, the lush curves, the aggressive charisma. Was James' bride like her? Had it been easy to stay in Port Royal? Easy to slip back into a conventional life with plain and boring people?
"What are ye up to?" she hissed into his face, even set a little spit flying onto his lips.
Jack licked it off. "Ye know anything about 'The Invincible'? Where its commander the pirate killer Mallory got stuck? I need to sink a British vessel with a worthy enemy to Davy Jones' locker to make meself feel better."
"Ye never stop, huh? Still mad in the head."
"Bitten, burnt, and starved out does that to ye, luv."
"I say ye had it coming, eh?"
"Probably. Yet I want another comrade in this course of mine? What ye say?"
"What's in it for me?" She pursed her lips and put her hands on her hips.
A delightful pose and still he felt nothing southward. "An adventure."
"Not good enough, Jack."
"A ship's cargo. Half of it."
"That sounds more reasonable."
"Aye. Now tell me. I know ye always know something."
"Not that it is of any advantage for ye." She laughed. "Cause in the last two weeks several young officers were captured and sold on the slave market. And the rumour is that were the doings of the 'Black Pearl' and its Captain."
"Ye know that's a lie. I was right here."
"Sure, I know, but the British ain't."
"Ye're enjoying this, eh?"
"Aye, Jack. Still wanna have that adventure and the bait we're gonna pull in?"
"So, that's why this vessel arrived. To spy on the lie of the land and wait for reinforcements."
"Aye and make ye pay."
"Belay! Not in irons yet." He smirked, though his heart felt hollow. Blow me down! A heavy breeze has sprung up. Launching a full attack.
The same evening Jack stole clothes and a masking hat from a drunken merchant and was lingering once more around 'The Invincible', baiting sailors with the promise of rum, smokes, and hours with willing women, to let out more than they should. Among that he was bragging to have knowledge about Jack Sparrow's whereabouts, the hiding spot of the kidnapped officers, and how to get there. In no time he was brought to the man in charge and as soon as he was face to face with him, Jack knew who he was. Shiver me timbers! Even though the bastard was much older now he would have always recognized the dead eyes and the grim lines around the mouth. A scar to the left side of the bastard's chest would be proof that Jack had tried to kill him once. Not that he would ask the bastard to lift his shirt. Also, fortunate that the officer didn't seem to remember who he was and how ill-fated their first meeting had taken place.
I've been a boy, the smallest little creature, that's what me mum sometimes called me. And I'm not wearing the one significant ring that had belonged to her. James wears it, aye, or isn't he? Did he ditch it as soon as he realized I was gone? Not minding its worth for me? Well, I don't know, and in the worst case never will. What he knew was that no way in hell that bastard's daughter would become James' wife or the executor himself James' father-in-law. Not now or ever. Not the man who had watched over the hanging of his parents and mocked him cruelly afterwards. Not a man with a rotten heart and a skull creepy enough it could be used as a pattern for a pirate's flag. Not if Jack was still having a chance to make James change his mind. All right. Enough wallowing in self-pity. About time to fight for what was his. He never stood by watching treasure taken away from him. Treasure, he had suffered considerably for and thought highly of.
The second Jack had decided a course of action he excused himself quickly. The bastard only raised an eyebrow, fed with the well told lie of a hideout on an isle that was nothing, but a forsaken place filled with sand and heat. Jack smirked. I'll take care of ye later. He was bubbling with energy, making sudden haste to leave Tortuga. Mustering the crew and ordering them like he used to. "All hands on deck. Weigh anchor. Prepare to make sail. Haul the halyard. Haul! Haul! Haul! Come on. Keep up, me hearties."
Master Gibbs looked content with his change of mood whereas Anamaria looked wary if not devious.
Jack didn't care for their sentiments or intentions. As soon as the 'Black Pearl' had sailed out of the harbour he felt a burden slipping of his shoulders. He welcomed the salty spray and wind of the sea like old friends. He had been mad to cope without these joys for so long. Mad to unmake his life because of a man he was only close to for a brief and feverish time. A man that hadn't even cared enough to come meeting him. Such a man was not to desire. Aye. And still, he couldn't stop wanting him back. Wanting him in every way.
Oh dearie! Under the steady stars of the night sky Jack withdrew to his cabin, slumbering in his bunk troubling himself with fantasies about a passionate reunion. Scenarios of the twisted sort that he would have given up even his ship for to make them come true. Never would he tell this to the crew, least of all Anamaria. He sniggered and put out. She would make him pay for this kind of schemes and not in a delicate wishful way. Not the ways he indulged himself in. Ah. James. Come and take me. Or take me and come. Fill me up. Give me yer cock, and hang on to mine, drinking me down. He writhed lazily, breathing deeply, licking his lips in an obscene way. Aye, Commodore. I can't wait to have ye in me, under me, or above me. Sucking. Fucking. Screaming. Frantically, he rubbed himself hard, panting like a mad dog in heat. The sand. The beach. The bloody shark. Biting into his flesh. A sensation not in the least pleasing. Yet he imagined James would do the same to him. Biting him in tender spots in thrilling ways, while rubbing sand and salt over his tense body. Satisfied with the outcome he would plunge into him promptly, fingers first, then a fist, and at last, fill him up with his crazy-slick cock. Arrr! The most beautiful cock he had ever seen in his adventurous life. The spiciest cock he had ever sucked dry. Sucked or taken. That gorgeous slippery shaft. That piece of glory. Deep inside, wriggling around, making himself stranded there.
He grunted. Aye. Fuck me. Fuck me good. Don't hold back. Don't make me beg. Don't stop. Fuck me here and now. Ah. James. Jem. Come now. Come. I'm done waiting. I'm ready to sail around the world with ye and back again. I'm ready to be yer slut.
Indeed? Is that yer plan, Jackie? Aye. And I'll make this plan come true. I'll make ye come and abandon yer bloody bride. I'll make ye mine again. You won't stand a chance. Begad! I'm the bad guy, ain't I? I'd luv to defeat ye. Will defeat ye and then ye can... He cried out, spilled his lust and love, jerking his body violently. Good heavens! That felt good, right? A wavy rolling but also thrillingly brute. And yet he was still not satisfied. Bugger! He moaned into the wet sheets, bucking his hips, clawing at the emptiness around. I'll make ye see what follows to forsake me. I'll make ye do whatever ye don't want to do. That I promise ye, Jem, darling.
After one week at sea Jack didn't need to wish for the moon anymore. The 'Black Pearl's' men sighted, attacked, and entered a British vessel of the smaller kind heading for Tortuga. The crew and passengers were no competition for them. In no time they were overpowered and rounded up on deck for inspection.
Aye! Well done indeed! 'Cause as he was eyeing up the captive Jack perked up at spotting James among them, breathing striking handsomeness. Jem. He's here. He came at last. He cares. No matter if James were here to fight or even kill him, as long as he was here, and not married to a bonny girl. Preposterous to reason he was the happiest pirate sailing the Seven Seas. Right. Mad in the head. "Ho! Matey! Commodore James Norrington. Such a surprise. I knew ye'd be coming around eventually, begging for forgiveness, bloody traitor."
"You are joking, right?" James snarled, fighting the brazen grip of two pirates. He looked in no way intimidated or scared but was fuming even though he was barefoot, wearing only breeches and a white shirt.
Did me hearties chase him from his bunk sleeping or even tossing off? Well then! "Far from it. Our last clash has been too intense and long ago, hasn't it? Still, I remember the winding and writhing by heart."
"Indeed not long enough to forget it was you who betrayed me," James fired back.
"Did I? Talking about that, how's yer dear sister?"
James winced. "How do you - None of your concern."
"Pity. I like her."
"She sends her love," the freckled guy standing next to James interfered.
"Aye? And who are ye?"
"Her husband. Patrick O'Neal."
"Oh," Jack cheered. "Two birds with one stone. Lucky me. Two Brits to scrub me deck." He licked his lips and grinned like the most wicked pirate that had ever mugged the Caribbean.
"Get moving, Jack," Master Gibbs interrupted the clash, pointing at the open sea. "Ye don't know who else is cruising around nearby."
"That is never his concern, isn't it?" Anamaria rolled her eyes.
"Right. Don't tempt fate," James snapped, with eyes as green and deep as the ocean. "This isn't one of your games."
"It isn't, savvy? Ye will go on yer knees and swab - or walk the plank."
James sneered. "That would be the lesser of two evils."
"Let's make this bargain harder then," Jack countered, aware his pirate mates were more than curious about their spat and who the winner would be. Aye. He had to call the shots. "Do as I say, and I let yer crew go and spare Sarah's husband."
"Wretched sod! So, the rumours are true, aren't they?" James said, turning crimson.
"I see, why you were eager to meet him again, James," Sarah's bonny said, shaking his head.
"Oh, he did talk about me, did he now?" Jack cheered once more, his heart a fluttering bird in his chest.
"Suck it, Sparrow!" James spat, looking murderous.
"I will, luv," Jack said, raising both eyebrows in a mocking flirtation. "So, do we have an accord or not? Or will dear Patrick walk the plank. Sarah will be heartbroken."
"You know, we have," James snarled, clenching his jaw.
"Luvly." He turned to his crew. "Let these people go, me hearties. They can tell any tales they want because it doesn't matter considering. Come on! Set to the longboats. Let's return to our ship."
His orders were carried out in a competent yet cheerful manner. Only Anamaria kept complaining that this was not going the way she had agreed on.
As soon as they were back on the 'Black Pearl', they were leaving the British vessel with its disabled canons behind. Jack stretched his body to full hight and turned to Master Gibbs. "Put these two in irons and into the brig. But do not harm them. They need to be fit for what's coming to them."
Master Gibbs' reply was drowned out by James. "So, the rumours are true!" he screamed, looking crestfallen. "You are the one selling officers into slavery."
"Eh? Don't ye know me?"
"Indeed I don't. Never wanted to."
"I'd luv to change that." Jack leaned in, nestling to his body, slipping a hand under James' shirt. "Once again." Brazen, he fondled the scarred back, unmasking his enemy's damages.
"Filthy pirate," James breathed into his face, but didn't move a muscle otherwise.
Jack snorted, retreated, and shaded his eyes against the glaring sun. "This's a fine day indeed for sailing - anywhere, having the most intriguing treasure on board." That James thought he would do such a thing as slave trade after all they had been through was making him mad with sorrow and fury. He wouldn't show that to him or anyone though. After his orders had been set in motion, he climbed up to the crow's nest standing there sulking at the glittering sea rocking the ship beneath him. I'll show ye, James. Show ye, that yer opinion of me is true. So very true ye have every reason to kill me. He fiddled with James' golden uniform button. That's what ye wanted all along, didn't ye? Well. Come now. I'm ready for action.