Not you
Author: Daniela
Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Pairing: Greg/Grissom
Rating: PG
Category: Drabble, Fluff
Series/Sequel: No
Summary: Why wasn't Greg joining the team in busting Warrick's killer?
Warning: Slash, M/M, Spoiler for "For Warrick (2)"
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I love them dearly.
Feedback: Yes, please. It's the icing on my cake.
Released: May 2010
Beta: None
Word Count: 100
"We're going after McKeen," Greg crowed, fidgeting. "We're gonna nail that bastard."
"Not you."
"Uh... what! But Grissom...."
"Brass and Nick can handle it."
"I'm not as good as them, huh?"
"That man killed Warrick in cold blood."
"And he hates the bare sight of you, remember?"
"That's why..."
"...I won't take any risk."
"But Nick would be my wingman."
"I'm your boss. I don't have to explain my orders." Grissom stared him down.
"Gee! Got it." Greg rushed off.
"I wouldn't survive losing you, too, dear boy," Grissom whispered, shoulders slumped. "Never you. It's as simple as that."