Maid Man
- Greg´s appearance: Competent
- 8 Scenes: with Catherine
- Shippyness: G/C
- What we learn about him:
Greg is the mobster expert.
- Misc.:
Greg really knows a lot about
Catherine and her father.
The CSI's attend the gala grand opening of a mob museum,
only to witness an attempted hit on mob lawyer and former mayor Oscar Goodman.
Best Quote:
Greg: "Just like the real mobsters. Dumb your piece and peace out."
Best Dialog:
D.B.: "GREG!"
Greg: "What did I do?"
Best Moment:
D.B. asks Greg to shoot him in the face.
My Comment:
I really like D.B. His is funny and the way he treats Greg is very amusing. Greg is his errand boy.
He yells for him but also praises him a lot. More than Grissom did in years. Still I have to say:
Hands off! This boy belongs to Grissom.
I think Greg annoyed Catherine a little bit by telling D.B. that much about her father.
Greg shouldn´t drink that much. He talks more than usual. ;)