Greg Sanders - Final Episode: Immortality

- Greg´s appearance: Mature
- 11 Scenes: with Grissom, Catherine, Sara, Brass, D.B., and Morgan.
- Shippyness: Gah! Nothing I wanna talk about.
- What we learn about him: Nada!
Grissom and Catherine are back for the final case. So is Lady Heather. Greg and the team are just pawns on the board in this game. :(
Best Quote:
Grissom: "Looks like somebody jumped a shark."
Best Dialog:
D.B.: Forgive me, but who is Lady Heather?"
Greg: "She's a sex therapist Grissom had a thing with back in the day day. Not like a sexual one but more like an intellectual one.
Anyway he worked a couple of cases with her. And against her." The things that guy knows!
Best Moment:
Greg and Grissom are in the same room together. That's it for the whole episode. OMG!!! This is like STEREK! God help me!
My Comment:
OH MY GOD! THE WORST EPISODE EVER. Seriously. They should have called it the Grissom/Sara Show. I was downright bored to death after five minutes. WTF!!!
I'm really pissed at the writers for making this last episode a sappy stupid love story. Come on!
The only good thing about the episode was that Grissom is back and we see a lot of him. But we didn´t even get a good-bye moment with anybody from the team but Sara.
Greg had no proper farewell whatsoever. Let's talk about that he was in this show since episode one. Really, guys? How sad is this? What a horrible letdown after being
a fangirl for fifteen years.
At least there is no kissing between Grissom & Sara or Greg & Morgan. Thank god for that mercy. You fucked up enough already. You made it pretty easy to say good-bye.
Yeah. Pretty easy. I didn´t shed one fucking tear.
I don´t care. Greg & Grissom will always be my first Slash love. My OTP in CSI. Period.